To many, spring means tulips, grass, and Easter. To me, spring means sunlight, pavement to walk on, and home improvement, definitely not tulips, not yet anyway. In Anchorage, the weather is finally warm enough to open doors and windows without heating the neighborhood. For me, this means home improvement! This is the time of year I tend to put a lot of effort into my house. It’s old, I’m cheap and I love learning how to do new projects. By now, the Do-It-Yourselfer in me has been waiting all winter to be able to do some much-needed spring maintenance.

Alaskans are already gearing up for their favorite outdoor activities. If your interests include hiking, fishing, or any other snow or water-based activities, I recommend checking out the Spring Breakup Outlook for Alaska. Even if you’re only looking to camp somewhere, it’s good to know when rivers might flood and kick you out of the campground. Preplan your trips and prepare for the changes and challenges this time of year brings to Alaska. River ice thickness, flood predictions, snowpack analysis, and a general climate outlook are just some of the resources this outlook has to offer to help you preplan, prepare and stay safe this spring.