

Executive and Governance

The members of the Executive and Governance Committee (ExCo) provide leadership and guidance to the executive director, coordinates the work of other committees, and acts on behalf of the board of directors when the board is not in session. Committee members include the current chair, chair-elect, secretary, treasurer and the most-recent past chair (or an officer at large). The ExCo plays an important role in:

Board Recruitment

  • Strategic planning
  • Event support
  • Human resources
  • Public relations
  • Membership

Finance and Administration

The Finance and Administration Committee oversees the business plan, and the efficiency and effectiveness of the internal operations, and works with the Executive Director to prepare annual budgets and long-range financial forecasts. The treasurer chairs the Finance and Administration Committee, which consists of at least three board members. Other ASA members may be appointed to the Finance and Administration Committee by the board of directors.

Elections and Nominations

The Elections and Nominations Committee begins its work mid-year to prepare for the open nominations period in the fall and board elections at the ASA Annual Meeting. The committee consists of at least three board members and is chaired by the board secretary. The committee recommends persons to be elected to the board, interviews nominees and oversees the elections process. 

Maritime Works

Maritime Works is focused on the implementation of the AlaskaMaritime Workforce Development Plan. Committee members represent personnel working in seafood harvesting and processing; shipbuilding and repair; research, enhancement and management; marine transportation; and vessel operations. The committee spurs action to reach the goals of Alaska’s maritime sector to:

  • Grow awareness of occupations and develop career pathways
  • Improve workforce readiness
  • Train Alaskans for maritime careers
  • Support recruitment and retention
  • Promote sustained industry engagement

NSTC Operators Group

The North Slope Training Cooperative (NTSC) Operators Group meets quarterly and is comprised of senior health, safety and environment (HSE) representatives from the operating companies that fund the NSTC. Current members include ConocoPhillips Alaska Inc, Eni Petroleum Company Inc., ExxonMobil Alaska Production Inc., Hilcorp LLC, and Oil Search Alaska.

The function of the Operators Group is to approve financial and legal agreements, monitor and audit NSTC performance, and ensure consistency with regulatory and company guidelines. The Operators Group approves training recommendations that require operator endorsement and delegates them to ASA staff and supporting committees for implementation.